STEP 1: Initial Submission

1.1 Download paper template from NCON-PGR 2022 website (NCON-PGR 2022 Homepage)

1.2 Submit paper to EasyChair portal (EasyChair)

1.3 Receive acknowledgement email from NCON-PGR 2022 secretariat

1.4 Proceed to STEP 2


STEP 2: Review Process (by NCON-PGR 2022 Scientific Committee)

2.1 Track Chairs assigns papers to reviewers according to expertise

2.2 Submission of evaluation marks and comments by Reviewers

2.3 Announcement of decision via email/EasyChair

            2.3.1    ACCEPT: Proceed to STEP 3

            2.3.2    REJECT: End of process, or return to STEP 1


STEP 3: Registration and Payment (by Authors)

3.1 Pay the conference fees on (UMP e-payment) by following categories (UMP student: RM150, Non-UMP student: RM200). For the paper that selected by journals, an additional fee will be charged based on the journal fees.


            3.1.1    Upon full payment and screenshot/save the receipt: proceed to STEP 3.2;

            3.1.2    No payment: the paper will be removed from the list of publication

3.2 Fill up the details and upload the following completed documents to (Registration Form)


            3.2.1    Proof of Payment (payment statement/slip or bank deposit slip)


STEP 4: Revision of Manuscripts with Minor Corrections (by Authors)

4.1 Revise the manuscript in accordance to reviewers’ comments, and prepare a summary of feedback on the reviewers’ comments

4.2 Upload the revised paper (in pdf/doc/docx format) and summary of feedback from authors via EasyChair system


STEP 5: Revision of Manuscripts with Major Corrections (by Authors)

5.1 Evaluation of the revised manuscript by reviewers

            5.1.1    ACCEPT: Proceed to STEP 6

            5.1.2    REJECT: End of process, or return to STEP 1

5.2 The final results of 2nd cycle evaluation will be informed to the authors via email


STEP 6: Post-Conference Journal Publication (by Authors)

6.1 Authors will be informed of the journal selected for publication of the manuscript, and will be provided the journal-specific guidelines. The journal selection process will be based on the subject area and quality of the manuscript. An additional fee will be charged based on the journal fees.

6.2 Author should reformat the manuscript according to the journal's guidelines. Some journals may require several rounds of reviewers' evaluation. In this regard, the author should comply with the reviewers' comments. When sending a revised article, construct a detailed reply to referees. Reply with numbered sections corresponding to referees’ points. Any revision that is being submitted does not serve as a guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted by that particular journal since another round of review might be necessary (subjected to the editor's and reviewers' discretion).

6.3 All articles will be considered to be published in indexed journals subjected to discretion from the editors of the journals involved pertaining to the subject area, quality and format of manuscript

6.4 The NCON-PGR secretariat will not be held responsible should the manuscript is not published in Scopus journals due to issues pertaining to the quality and format of manuscript

6.5 Common quality issues may include the lack of the following aspects: (1) original theoretical contributions, (2) English language proficiency, (3) critical literature review, (4) rigor in methodological & data analysis and (5) research implications

6.6 Any manuscript that is not qualified to be published in journals will be considered to be published in NCON-PGR Chapter in Book.

Any manuscript that is not qualified to be published in journals will be considered to be published in NCON-PGR Chapter in Book.